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一年级上册英语试题:PRACTICE 4(三)



每学完一个单元的时候,就要多做一些同步练习。这样才能更有效的巩固自己学过的知识,威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了一年级上册英语试题:PRACTICE 4(三),供同学们学习参考!

(G) Comprehension (5*2=10 marks)

Read the passge carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Linda loves music. It keeps her company when she is alone. It makes her happy when she is sad. He brothers like to listen to music too. They always spend their Saturdays listening to the radio programmes together. Sometimes, their mother will scold them for not spending more time in their studies. Linda likes English songs more than she likes Chinese songs. Her brothers like Chinese songs better. They have a Karaoke set in the living room. They are only allowed to use it during special occasions because their mother does not want them to spend all their time singing.[

45. Why does Linda listen to music when she is sad?

45. Why does Linda listen to music when she is sad?


46. What does Linda do when she is alone?


47. Who does Linda listen to music with on Saturdays?


48. Does Linda like Chinese songs?


49. Why are Linda and her brothers only allowed to use the Karaoke set on special



(H) Written Expression (20 marks)

Look at the pictures and write a story about the pictures.


Last Sunday, my parents brought us for a picnic at the beach. In the morning,



小编再次提醒大家:多做练习题,才能提高学习成绩,大家一定要牢记。希望这篇一年级上册英语试题:PRACTICE 4(三)可以帮助到您!


苏教版小学英语一年级上册单元测试:Unit 1  

一年级上册英语试题PRACTICE 8(二)

小学一年级英语上册单元测试PRACTICE 6(二)

一年级上册英语同步练习题PRACTICE 6 


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