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23. The lions roared when the ringmaster cracked his whip.

24. The soll should be loosened before the seeds are sown.

25. The bees buzz as they flit from flower to flower.

26. The boys wake up early in the morning to go jogging.

27. The shy boy dared not move from his seat.

28. The old woman enjoys watching those children sing.

29. We listen to the instructions given by Miss Tan.

30. There are many interesting pictures in this book.

31. Terence keeps his stamps in an album.

32. There is a little water left in the cup.

33. shopping

34. missing

35. staff

36. offered

37. calm

38. announced

39. look

40. description

41. later

42. safe

43. grateful

44. help

45. D

46. C

47. A

48. A

49. D

50. C

51. She is always awakened by the chirping of the birds.

52. She had broken an ankle.

53. She knew that nobody would walk past the place at night and she would have to

wait till the next morning before she could be saved.

54. ’Save‘ is another word for ’rescue‘.

55. The birds had rescued Dawn.

56. She felt guilty.

57. He learnt never to be cruel to animals.









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