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6. (  ) What do you ______?

A. apple  B. bowl  C.want

7. (  ) I am _____thirsty.

A./    B.a    C.want

8. (  ) ______plates?

A. A   B. some  C.Six

9. (   ) ______the book.

A.Open  B.Turn on  C. Turn off

10.(   ) I go to the Bund ____van.

A. and   B.in     C.by

六、 在方框中选择合适的单词或短语填空

have  drink  turn on  turn off  wash

brush open close listen look

1. Please ___________the tap. _______you teeth and _______you face.

2. _______some juice and _________some pizza.

3. It‘s hot ._________the door,please.

4. Please ________at the blackboard and _________to the teacher.

5. It’s bringht(明亮的). ________the lamp,please.

6. It‘s cold . _________the window.

七、 在方框中选择合适的单词填空

have  like  am  can  want

Hi ,I am Linda. I __________a girl. I ______a lovely(可爱的) face.

I ___________to sing and dance. I _________read and write,too. I _________to be a teather. So(所以) I work hare (努力学习).


Today is Sunday (周日). My father, my mother and I go to the supermarket(超市) by taxi. I want a new dress and some story-books. My father wants to buy a bicycle . And my mother wants some fruits(水果), such as(例如) apples, pears and bananas. We are so happy (快乐).

(  ) They go to the supermarket by bicycle.

(  ) I want some books.

(  ) I want a red dress.

(  ) My mother is happy.






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