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四. Choose(选择正确的答案)10%

1) (  ) I see _______ old man on the road.

A. a     B. an     C. am

2) (  ) ---I’m sorry.


A. Thank you.   B. You are welcome.   C. It‘s OK.

3) (  ) Let’s pick ______ the shells.

A. on    B. up     C. in

4) (  ) There are some ______.

A. breads   B. a bread   C. bread

5) (  ) There ______ two beds in the room.

A. is     B. are    C. am

6) (  ) I have some ______ in my hands.

A. book    B. a book   C. books

7) (  ) It‘s cold. Put ______ your coat.

A. on    B. off     C. in

8) (  ) ______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.

A. Who   B. What    C. Where

9) (  ) ______ is your friend? Miss Hu.

A. Who   B. What    C. Where

10) (  ) They have three ______.

A. bowl   B. a bowl   C. bowls

五. Read and fill(选择’is‘或’are‘填入。)5%

1) There ________ an umbrella in my bag.

2) The shirt ________ white.

3) Horses ________ brown.

4) There ________ some water in the bowl.

5) There ________ some animals in the zoo.

六. Read and circle(读句子,圈出正确的图片)5%

1) Let’s play on the beach.        2) Don‘t climb the tree.

A.        B.        A.        B.

3) The cloud is white.          4) Summer is hot.

A.        B.        A.        B.

5) Let’s play with sand.

A.         B.


威廉希尔app 2015年一年级暑假专题为一年级的小朋友们提供了 一年级暑假计划、暑假作业答案、暑假作文、暑假日记和暑假手抄报等暑假相关内容,请小朋友们点击查看,希望大家拥有一个快乐充实的暑假。





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