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一年级英语上册Unit 6综合测试卷



3)               4)

A. My hands are dirty.        A. I wash my face with soap.

B. My hands are clean.        B. I wash my face with towel.[

5)                6)

A. I‘m hungry. I want the fish.    A. Let’s go to the park.

B. I‘m thirsty. I want the water.    B. Let’s go to the zoo.

6. Choose(选择正确的答案)10%

1) (  ) I‘m hungry. I want some ______.

A. breads   B. juice   C. bread

2) (  ) There is ______ orange.

A. a     B. an    C. am

3) (  ) There is a bed in _______ room.

A. I     B. my    C. May

4) (  ) There ______ three books in it.

A. are    B. have    C. is

5) (  ) I see two ______ on the desk.

A. a pencil  B. pencil   C. pencils

6) (  ) My father has some ______.

A. knife   B. a knife   C. knives

7) (  ) It’s cold. Please ______ the window.

A. turn off   B. close   C. open

8) (  ) Don‘t walk ______ the grass.

A. in     B. on    C. under

9) (  ) I want to sleep. Please ______ the light.

A. turn on   B. turn off   C. close

10) (  ) Kitty is thirsty. She wants some ______.

A. hot dogs   B. water   c. cakes

7. Choose and complete(选词填空,完成句子)5%

hear   on   with    run    umbrella

1) The sun is hot. Let’s sit under the ________.

2) Let‘s play ________ the beach.

3) I brush my teeth ________ a toothbrush.

4) Don’t ________ on the road.

5) Listen! I ________ a sheep.

8. Read and choose(读单词,选择正确的答案)8%

1) (  ) Look at      A. the tap.

2) (  ) Clean       B. your face.

3) (  ) Draw       C. the door.

4) (  ) Wash       D. the chair.

5) (  ) Close       E. my teeth.

6) (  ) Eat        F. May.

7) (  ) Brush       G. a tree.

8) (  ) Turn on      H. an apple.

以上就是一年级英语上册Unit 6综合测试卷全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道      一年级英语试题


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