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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道为同学们搜集整理了-2012小学数学一年级期末试卷分析(五),供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!




  一、Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图片)10%

  1.                       2.

  医生   护士              蜜蜂   蝴蝶

  3.                      4.

  消防员  送牛奶工人          兄弟   姐妹

  5.                       6.

  黑色   兰色              两只鸟  三只兔子

  7.                        8.

  左   右                 连衣裙  鞋子

  9.                         10.

  画画  折纸              气球   礼物

  二、isten and tick.(听录音,勾出你所听到的单词或词组)6%

  1. write     sing             2. sweets     shoes

  3. uncle     aunt             4. yellow     brown

  5. four big birds  five little birds     6. make the kite  colour the kite

  三、Listen and number.(按听到的顺序,给下列图片用1、2、3编号)9%

  1.                    2.

  折纸    跳    唱        二只蝴蝶 三只蝴蝶 四只蝴蝶



  方向盘    信    书


  四、Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片与听到的句子内容是否一致,相符的用

  表示,不相符的用   表示)5%

  1.            2.




  一.      正确朗读下列字母组:

  NM JG  UV  IR  SZ  pq  hn  wv lj xs

  二.      正确朗读下列单词:

  jump mouth autumn bean balloon bicycle sister slide swing five

  purple    brown     colour     turn        fireman

  how many   pick out    very high    a tall policeman

  Is he a short driver ?

  三.      听一听,作应答:

  1.   What do you like to eat?

  2.   Have you got a lemon

  3.   What have you got ?

  4.   What has he got?

  5.   Can you dance?

  6.   Good morning.

  7.   How are you?

  8.   How old are you?

  9.   Hello. This is Peter.

  10. How many rubbers have you ?

  11. What’s this? (apple)

  12. What’s that? (leaf)

  13. Is this a pear?

  四.      听录音,做动作

  1.   Show me your hand.

  2.   Touch your arms.

  3.   Clap your hand.

  4.   Raise your hands.

  5.   Close your eyes.

  6.   Open your eyes.

  7.   Stand up, please.

  8.   Sit down, please.

  9.   Give me a rubber, please.

  10. Touch your arms.

  11. Wave your hand.

  12. Smell your hands.

  13. Feel the apple.

  14. Taste the melon.

  15. Look at the teacher.

  16. Wash your hands.

  17. Eat the mooncake.

  18. Point to your eyes./ears/nose/mouth/face/arm/toes.

  19. Go to the door.(门)

  20. Pick up the doll.

  五.      用I have got…说说你有的玩具:



威廉希尔app 小 学频道

威廉希尔app 作 文频道

威廉希尔app 小升处频道


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