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来源:互联网 编辑:sx_haohm


【编者按】亲爱的小朋友们,威廉希尔app 小学频道给大家提供了一年级下册英语期末检测听力材料,一起来做做吧!


1. Ll 2. desk 3. Hh  4. sing

5. Qq 6. under  7. Mm  8. fish


1What can you see? I can see a tree.

2Im Tom. I can swim.

3Im in Class 3 ,Grade 1.

4This is a panda. Its black and white.

5This is my computer.

6Oh, no. My robot is under the desk.

7I can sing. Can you sing?

8. What do you want? I want a Discman.

9. Im tall and thin.

10. Whats that? Its a cat.

三. 听录音,选择正确的图片并在方框内打(√)。每小题念两遍。

1. A: what do you want?

B: I want a turtle ,please.

Look. I like this turtle. Its small .It can swim.

2. A: My doll is on the bed..

My ball is under the bed.

My robot is in the toy box.

3. A: I can see a slide.

B: I can see a swimming pool .Lets swim.

4 A:What can you see?

B : I can see a cat . It can fly.

5A: I have a dog .It can run.   B: I have a kite . It can fly.

6A:Look , I can see a clown.   B: Oh ,no .One ball is on the grass now. I can see three balls.

四、听录音,给下面图画涂上颜色. 每小题念两遍。

1. Thats my ball. Its red.

2.This is an orange. Its orange.

3.My pen is blue.

4.I want the yellow clock.

5.Look at the elephant. Its grey. Its big.


1. Are you Koko? No, Im not.

2. Whats your name? Im Bill.

3. What do you want? I want a doll

4. Whats this? Its a storybook.

5.What can you see? I can see grass.



1. Ll 2. desk 3. Hh  4. sing

5. Qq 6. under  7. Mm  8. fish


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三. 每小题1分,共6分。

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四.听录音,给下面图画涂上颜色. 每题1分,共5分

1. Thats my ball. Its red.

6.This is an orange. Its orange.

7.My pen is blue.

8.I want the yellow clock.

9.Look at the elephant. Its grey. Its big.









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