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51. Cheetahs are able to hunt in the day because ___________.

A. they are often in groups

B. their claws are sharp

C. they run faster than all the other animals

D. they run slowly

52. The cheetahs can keep at their speed for __________.

A. a long time

B. a short time

C. as long as they want to

D. as long as the prey is running

53. The cheetahs chase their prey for an average length of ________.

A. one minute

B. more than one minute

C. less than one minute

D. two mintues

54. Cheetahs are messy eaters because __________.

A. they strangle their prays

B. their claws are blunt

C. there is often blood on their face after eating

D. they always lick each other


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