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8. Natalie records her dreams in her __________.

A. newspapers B. calendar C. journal D. register

9. Kenny owns a _________ of ship.

A. flock B. fleet C. troupe D. box

10. Mother wears _________ to the market.

A. heels B. pumps C. slippers D. boots

11. Most swimmers wear _________ when they are in the water.

A. goggles B. spectacles C. clips D. ribbons

12. We take dinner in the/at __________.

A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. midnight

13. Elephants can be trained easily as they have good __________.

A. hearing B. memory C. eyesight D. sense

14. The _________ at the soccer match cheered loudly when their team scored

a goal.

A. audience B. people C. students D. spectators

15. Jenny has been ___________ of the crime she was accused of.

A. quit B. acquitted C. released D. relieved

Grammar (38 marks)

Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)

16. Tim and Joe are ( go, goes, going ) to the library together.


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