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期中考试考查面涵盖很广,刚刚过去的半学期,同学们究竟学得怎么样?学习效果可以通过期中考试来检验。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学一年级英语上册期中检测题,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。


Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks)

1. When the canoe __________, the boys swam a shore.

A. leaked B. turned C. capsized D. flipped

2. The fairy has a magic __________ that can turn naughty children into


A. stick B. rod C. rope D. wand

3. Mr Lee gave a _________ to the child who returned his wallet.

A. reward B. money C. change D. receipt

4. Edmond has to get his parents‘ _________ to go to Australia.

A. permission B. request C. ask D. instruction

5. We ran for __________ when it started to drizzle.

A. protection B. shelter C. safety D. closure

6. Father was so sleepy that he ________ off as mother was talking to him.

A. dozed B. slipped C. seeped D. gushed

7. Brandon groaned in __________ when he fell down.

A. pain B. glee C. joy D. jealousy

8. Natalie records her dreams in her __________.

A. newspapers B. calendar C. journal D. register

9. Kenny owns a _________ of ship.

A. flock B. fleet C. troupe D. box

10. Mother wears _________ to the market.

A. heels B. pumps C. slippers D. boots


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