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II. 将下列每项组字母重新排列,组成单词,并与图片连线:(20%)

1. okbo

2. eywlol

3. ioln

4. npe

5. ratni

III. 选词填空:(20%)

A.sweaters B.T-shirts C.gloves D.sunglasses E.coats

F.jackets G.by bike H.walk I.By train

1. In spring, we wear _____.

2. In summer, we wear_____and_____.

3. In autumn, we wear _____.

4. In winter, we wear _____and_____.

5. I_____to school.

6. My father goes to school_____.

7. We go to Beijing_____.


I . 1. Pp 2. Jj 3. Ll 4. Mm 5. Qq 6. Kk

II. 1. Music 2. Science 3. Warm 4. cold

III 1. In spring , it`s cold. ( F ) 2. In summer, it`s hot. ( T )

3. In autumn, it`s cool. ( T ) 4. In winter, it`s warm. ( F )

IV. 1. Does your father go to work by bike? ( B )

2. How do you go to Shanghai? ( B )

3. What do you wear in summer ? ( A )

4.What do you do at the weekend? ( A)


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