
牛津一年级英语上册Unit 4 第一教时教案


Play a game:

‘What is missing?’

Draw a face on the board with the features missing. Ask students to find out the missing parts.


While-task procedure

1. New word: eye

1) Play the game to elicit the new word: eye

2) Show the pictures of different people and the rabbit. Discuss the colours of their eyes to elicit the phrases:

e.g.: black eyes/ blue eyes/ red eyes ……


3) Say a rhyme:

Open your eyes.

Don’t be shy.

Close your eyes.

Tell me why.


2. New word: ear

1)   Compare two words: eye,ear


2) Point and say the new word: ear

3) Help animals find their own ears and introduce different kinds of ears.[

e.g.: long ears/ big ears/ small ears ……


3. Enjoy the song of page 21.

1) Listen to the song to elicit the new words: ‘nose,mouth,face’


2) Compare the pronunciation of the words. Say the words correctly.

3) Encourage students to sing the song together while pointing to the different features.


4) Vary the song by dropping one word at a time but continue with the action.


Post-task activity

Play a game.

Guess the riddles.

e.g.: It has two long ears and two red eyes. Its body is white and clean. Oh,it has a small mouth. It likes carrots. It runs quickly. Do you know what I like?



1.   Listen to the tape on Page 19,21.

2.   Read the new words.

3.   Act out the song with their friends or parents.


1. 媒体准备:图片、单词卡片、录音机、歌曲磁带。

2. 教学关注点:

a. 字形相近单词的区分:eye,ear,建议展开想象的翅膀,把单词形象化,例如:把eye两个e变成两只眼睛,y 变成鼻梁,“一根鼻梁,两只眼睛。”使单词的辨别记忆变得简单有趣。

b. 关注单词的正确发音,例如:nose,mouth,face。

3. 资源分享:

a. 牛津教材3A中有可供进行改编的谜语。

b. 《乐而学》第二册Unit 6中有和人体部位相关的儿歌。

4. 设计思路:

a. 拓宽思路,找寻生活中的素材,例如:中国人黑眼睛,外国人蓝眼睛,兔子红眼睛等等以及不同形状的耳朵,使教学更加贴近生活。

b. 把Let’s learn 和Let’s enjoy的内容结合起来教学,通过歌曲引出新词并在歌曲中巩固单词。 c. 注重肢体语言的运用。

以上就是牛津一年级英语上册Unit 4 第一教时教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道      一年级英语教案