
牛津小学一年级英语上册Unit 1 教学设计


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牛津小学一年级英语上册Unit 1 教学设计



1. 巩固 book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag六个单词及日常用语: Good morning! How are you? Fine, thank you!

2. 通过朗读,比赛,游戏能听懂,会读,会说book, ruler, pen, pencil rubber, bag六个单词

3. 能熟练的在实际的情景中运用日常交际用语: Good morning! How are you? Fine, thank you!




1. 重点: 学会 book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag

2. 难点: 熟练的运用日常交际用语Good morning! How are you? Fine, thank you.

3.教学对策: 表演询问法, 情景交际法, 直观教学法.


Step One: Warning exercises

1. Greeting

T: Class begins!    S: Stand up!

T: Hello, class!    Ss: Hello, Miss Kong!

2.Do the action

Stand up, please!    Sit down, please!

Open your book!    Close your book!

Step Two: Presentation ( Learn to read )

1: Teacher shows the pictures to the students, say the words: book, ruler, pen, pencil, rubber, bag.

2: Teacher says the word ‘book’,ask the students to hold up their rulers and repeat the word together. The same way to practice all the words.

3: Teacher asks the students to match the words and the pictures.

Step Three: Presentation ( Learn to say )

1: 利用布偶或玩具将这句话演示出来,让学生感知 Good morning的发音及意义.

2: 老师依次用 Good morning 和学生打招呼.

3: 让学生和老师打招呼,再让学生分组互相打招呼

4: 顺水推舟,用Good morning引出 How are you ? Fine, thank you.

5: 师生,生生情景操练:

T: Good morning!    Ss: Good morning!

T: How are you?    Ss: Fine, thank you!

6: 玩游戏:“找朋友”学生围成一圈随音乐拍手,两位学生在圈中走动找朋友,音乐一停,圈内学生必须与各自朋友互相问好 Good morning, How are you? Fine, thank you!然后继续找朋友.

Step Four: Consolidation

1: Listen to the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, then read after the tape.

2: Do pair work, practice the dialogue.

Step Five: Music time

Sing a song

Good morning, Good morning. Good morning, teacher

I take my bag and book. My bag and book to school.

Step Six: Homework

Workbook page 2: Look, listen and respond.

以上就是牛津小学一年级英语上册Unit 1 教学设计全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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