
牛津英语一年级上册Unit 1 my Classroom第5课时教案



教学目标:1. Using formulaic expressions to greet people e.g. Good morning.

2. Using simple present tense to indicate habitual actions e.g. I take my bag and book to school.

3. Revision of this unit.

教学重点:To learn the words: pen pencil book bag ruler rubber

教学难点:To make them able to use the sing the song properly

教学准备:word cards cassette player objects


Step 1: Warming up

T: Class begins

S: Stand up, please.

T: Good morning.

S: Good Morning.

T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please.

S: Thank you.

Step 2: Revision

T: Open your book, turn to page 2, read after me.

(Read the four sentences)

T: Now, I say and you do.

(Add a star if they do well)

T: Turn to page 3, let’s read together.

(Practise greetings)

(Show them the word pictures)

T: Look! Whats this?


T: Yes, pencil

S: (Read after the teacher)

(Show them all the words and read together)

T: Who can say these words?


(Give the group the card when they read right)

T: Now, Lets have a competition between groups. I say the word, if you get the card of the word, stand up and read the word again.

(Add a star to the group if they do right and encourage them)

(Take out the pencil, paper and the sentences, practise the chant in let’s play sentence by sentence)

T: Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

S: Read the chant together.

Step 3: Presentation

T: Listen to the song


(Teach the song sentence by sentence. Let the students sing with the tape and sing with teacher)

T: Clap your hands and sing the song four times.

以上就是牛津英语一年级上册Unit 1 my Classroom第5课时教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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