
上海版牛津英语一年级上册Unit 3教案


【编者按】亲爱小朋友们,今天为你准备了上海版牛津英语一年级上册Unit 3教案,相信大家一定能够努力做、开动脑筋,做出满意的答卷。加油啊!!!

上海版牛津英语一年级上册Unit 3教案

1、 Teaching aims: Ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : raise your hand.

2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder

3、 Language skills:


Locate specific information in response to simple instructions


Use modeled phrase to communicate with other learners.

4、 Teaching period: 1


Teacher’s activity

Ss’ activity



1. ask Ss to listen and act. Revise the classroom instruction language student have learnt. eg. stand up please.Give me…show me a…

2. Say’open your book. Who can act? Raiseyour hand.”and move your hand to give Ss a hint. Let the

students copy you.

3.Say ‘put it down’ and put down your hand to let the Ss understand its meaning.

Ask the Ss to repeat the words and the action.

4.Say ‘show me your book.’ Move your hand to explain the meaning.Let the Ss copy you.


1.Have the class listen and act according to your commands Raise your hand, Put it down and Show me your book.

Repeat several times until they can act freely.

2. Say the commands in random order and ask individuals to act accordingly.

3. Open the Ss’ book to page 12. play the cassette tape for ‘Raise your hand. Ask some Ss to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.

4.Repeat the process with ‘Put it down’and Show me your book.’

5.Divide the class into groups of four to practise acting the commands. In each group,one student gives commands and the others do the action. Then let them change roles.

6.Select groups to act the commands to the class.


Play a match:Who is the quickest to respond? Ask every student to act according to your commands(including the commands in Unit1 and Unit2).The quickest student to act will be the winner.

Students listen and act.

Ss act.

Students copy and follow.

Students repeat the word and act.

Students copy.

Ss carry out the commands.

Ss repeat the commands and act.

Individual Ss carry out the commands.

Ss listen to the tape.

Ss act.

The other students judge right or wrong.

Ss repeat.

Ss do pair work.

Ss change their roles.

Ss act the commands to the class.

Ss play a match.







以上就是上海版牛津英语一年级上册Unit 3教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


威廉希尔app 小学频道      一年级英语教案