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2016年小学英语Lie to My Parents作文



威廉希尔app 为大家带来了英语Lie to My Parents作文,希望能够帮助大家很好的掌握本文中所提到的知识点,帮助大家学习。

Today, when I go home after school, I go across a shop, I see a beautiful toy, I want it so much, but my parents will not buy it for me, because they say I have so many toys. So I lie to my parents, telling them I want to buy a book, I use the money to buy the toy, but I am not happy, so I tell the truth, my parents are happy I am honest.


Yesterday,I steal my mother’s money, because I see a beautiful toy, I want to buy it, my mother puts the money on the desk, she asks me if I see the money, I tell her not. I am feeling so afraid, I feel like I am a criminal, so I decide to tell her the truth. My mother is happy, she says she is waiting for me to tell the truth, I am a good girl.


Today,my mother gives some money to buy a note book, when I go to the shop, I see a beautiful toy, so I decide to buy the toy. When I go home, I hide the toy, and tell my mother I have bought the note book. My face is red, I go to the bedroom quickly. I feel so guilty, I tell my mom the truth,

she is happy, I don’t lie to her.


以上就是英语Lie to My Parents作文的全部内容,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !



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