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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了四年级英语作文游记范文,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

1.Today ,my family and I go to the shapotou .

At first,a vast expanse of the desert.Mummy, tell me don't ever forget carry your kettle .we walk for hours in the sand . I feel very hot.Then,walking through the desert, we came across a beautiful oasis.We saw all manners of animals in the shapotou.my mother and me are take a sheepskin raft .

I had a very productive day.

2. Last summer holiday,we went to a mountainous village to pay a visit there.

The scenery there was so beautiful that we got very excited. And the great nature gave us a very deep impression.The fruits garden full of apples,the sheep playing in the valley,the crops and vegetables were all unforgetable and impressive.We had a picnic there and paid a visit to the families there.The farmers were so humble and honest that we felt quite easy and happy.

What I wanted to say was that only if you went to the village like this,you knew what the nature was.

威廉希尔app 提供的四年级英语作文游记范文,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!





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