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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学生英语作文300字:Fish,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

One day, my father carried back a rounded fish tank. It was made by glass. It was empty. But I was very interested in it. Because my father said he will put some water and fish in it.

After two days, when I came back from school, I saw three fish in the fish tank. Their tails were shine and their fins were beautiful. They swam in water quickly. Sometimes they swam to the surface and sometimes they swam to the bottom. I thought that they were very happy.

My father didn’t feed them in first two days. He said that the fish will die if they can’t live in the fish tank for three days. I worried about them all the time.

In third morning, I got up early and ran to the fish tank quickly. Oh, No! One fish was died. I was very sad for this. But the other two fish were lived, I thought they won’t die.

From that time, the two fish live healthy in the fish tank. I feed them twice a day and watch them if I have time. They are very lovely and I love them very much.

为大家整理的小学生英语作文300字:Fish就到这里,更多小升初辅导相关内容请随时关注威廉希尔app 小学频道!


小学生精选优秀作文范文:My Severe Father



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