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高分小学生英语作文---Travel to the forest



告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读高分小学生英语作文---Travel to the forest吧~~

Have you ever been fed up with the boring life in the city? Should you be tired of the crowded roads and endless noises, you might want to have a glimpse of the primary forest with me.

As soon as you open the mysterious door of the forest, you may ask,“ Have I entered the palace or the paradise?” The breath-taking scenery makes you forget everything but exploring what the forest has to offer. With tens of thousands of trees surrounding you, straight or winding, tall or short , you feel like floating on the ocean of green.

All kinds of fragrant flowers lie peaceful and shy under the leaves. Take a close look at them , and you can even see the fresh drops of water ,which makes the flowers look like beautiful girls who have just had a bath. The most enjoyable thing is to feel the thick fog among the whole forest, which makes the view of the living creatures disappear at times. When the sun comes up, the fog rises at once .The dreaming image is then replaced by the lively scene. A wide variety of birds are singing happily in the trees. Lots of little animals are running busily across the paths. Wander in the forest, you will have the feeling of returning to nature.

Well, in addition to enjoying the scenery on the ground, keep an eye out for the sky! The clear blue with pure white will give your eyes a feast .

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