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有关Home Cooking的满分英语作文



告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读有关Home Cooking的满分英语作文吧~~

My country is famous for its good food. There is a wide variety of delicious food available at food stands and restaurants in every price range. Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family.

Although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant, I like the taste of my mother’s cooking because it tastes like home. She is the head chef at our house, but we all help in the kitchen when we can. Preparing food together is fun and brings us closer. We also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter and more personal. We are all relaxed and can say whatever comes to mind. Lastly, when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the bill.

I love to eat, and I love to eat with my family. We all feel comfortableshavingsdinner at home and really enjoy the quiet time that we can spend together. Eating out is great on a special occasion or for a change of pace, but nothing can replace the joy I find in eating at home.

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