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关于A beautiful place的小学高分作文



英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已经融入到了整个社会中,成为人类生活中不可缺少的一部分,特此威廉希尔app 为大家整理了关于A beautiful place的小学高分作文,敬请同学们关注!!

A beautiful place

Last Saturday I went to Yang Min Shan Park with my friends.

In the park we could see some birds flying up in the sky.

I like to go to the mountains and I like to see nature,too.


Last Sunday I went to Yang Min Shan Park with my parents.It was a sunny day.There were trees and flowers all over the place.The trees were tall and pretty and the flowers smelled sweet.

In the park we could see some birds flying up in the sky.An old man was sitting on the bench reading a book and two cats were playing under the bench.Some boys were playing games and some people were taking walks.Others were just jogging around the place.In the afternoon we took a walk along the stream for two hours.Then the stream flowed to the woods.In the middle of the woods we could see a small pood with many fish in it.

I like to go to the mountains and I like to see nature,too.I really enjoy the nice day at this beautiful place.I hope I can go there again someday.

由威廉希尔app 为您提供的关于A beautiful place的小学高分作文,希望给您的英语带来帮助!


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