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小学英语作文精选之My bedroom



告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读小学英语作文精选之My bedroom吧~~

Today I'm going to show you around my bedroom.My bedroom is the bigest room in my house.

On the other side of my bedroom is a fish tank and there are many colourful fish in it.

My favourite place in my bedroom is under the bed.


Today I'm going to show you around my bedroom.My bedroom is the bigest room in my house.I have a big bed and two comfortable and soft pillows.Between the pillows is a big blue octopus puppet which was my birthday present.Next to the bed is my desk and I put many models on it.Beside the desk is a bookshelf almost all my books are on this white bookshelf.

On the other side of my bedroom is a fish tank and there are many colourful fish in

it.Under the fish tank is a cabinet and my mum put all my own toys in the box and put them in the cabinet.Sometimes I still like to open the box and play with my own toys.In the back of the cabinet are some paper cards which are for my art class.

My favourite place in my bedroom is under the bed.What can be good under the bed?It is a little box in which I have collected many pictures of me.Sometimes when I look at those pictures I think:I was so cute.There is a secret about the box I had my diary at the bottom of my pictures.Don't tell anybody especially my parents,OK?

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