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有关Great people的小学英语作文精选



告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读有关Great people的小学英语作文精选吧~~

Chapter 7

Great people

The people in Ciji are ordinary people, but they have done a great job. Ciji started as a group of 30 housewives, who saved a small amount of money each day and has grown to have more than 4.5 million members worldwide. Many people know that Ciji is an organization that focuses on community service and outreach, eapecially in the areas of medicine, education, and disaster relief. It conducts its mission via an international network of volunteers. It has many sub-organizations around the world. They help to build many hospitals and schools worldwide, from kindergardens to universities and medical schools. I hope someday I can be a member of Ciji too.

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