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威廉希尔app 为您整理了语法重点讲解:反意疑问句练习,希望和您一起探讨和学习英语!

1、You're in Grade two now, __________________ ?

2、Your father is a worker,___________________ ?

3、Mary is going to study Chinese,________________?

4、We're going to have a meeting this week,_________ ?

5、Jack is playing in the garden,___________ ?

6、They all look fine,______________  ?

7、You like English,__________________ ?

8、Kate swims the best in her class, __________ ?

9、Mike watches TV every day,____________  ?

10、They like spring best,______________  ?

11、They won't have a good time,__________  ?

12、He will go to see a film,_____________  ?

13、She isn't going to buy a book,____________ ?

14、Tom and Mike are watching TV,__________ ?

15、You are doing some washing,___________  ?

16、Mrs White is cleaning the room,____________ ?

17、I bad a rest a moment ago,______________  ?

18、He was a teacher a year ago,_______________  ?

19、They wrote letters last Sunday, __________  ?

20、Mr Smith made a table last year,__________ ?

21、Don't open the door,______________  ?

22、Let's go to school,_____________  ?

23、Listen to me,________________  ?

24、There's little water in the rive,___________ ?

25、The little girl can hardly read,______________ ?

26、He has never been to Japan,_______________  ?

27、The students borrowed few English books from the library,____________ ?

28、Kate made few mistakes in the exam,__________ ?


1、aren't you            2、isn't he            3、isn't she          4、aren't we

5、isn't he            6、don't they            7、don't you       8、doesn't she

9、does he          10、don't they     11、will they        12、won't he

13、is she            14、aren't they     15、aren't you     16、isn't she

17、didn't I          18、wasn't he      19、didn't they     20、didn't he

21、will you         22、shall we        23、will you         24、is there

25、can she         26、has he           27、did they        28、did she

由威廉希尔app 为您提供的语法重点讲解:反意疑问句练习,感谢您阅读!


有关's与of 所有格之区别的学语法从零开始



关于one/another/the other的2013年重点语法

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