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尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 提供的英语阅读之旧的墓碑,希望给您带来启发!

The Old Tombstones

There once was a wealthy family in a small town. One day, all the family got together in their living room. They were talking about an old stone in the garden. The children loved to get on the stone. Some young ladies stopped them from getting on the stone because it was a tombstone a long time ago.

"That tombstone was from a monastery." "Oh my! It is for Mr. and Mrs. Preven."

They were the last people who were buried in the cemetery of the monastery. They were the oldest people in the town. People thought they were rich, but they lived simply. They were also nice people.

The couple was always sitting on the bench in front of their house. And they always gave people warm greetings. Everyone in the town just loved them. The old couple treated poor people very well too. They gave them food and clothes. But the wife passed away earlier than the husband.

The old man cried loudly out of sadness because life without his wife was so lonely. He was very happy when he got married. But now, his wife was dead, and he was too old. That is our life and destiny! Time is supposed to go by.

After a little while, their tombs were moved to a different resting place. Their tombstone was sold to people. That's why Preven and Marda's tombstone is in the family's garden.

Now, there is a road on the place where the old couple's graves were laying. But people forgot them a long time ago as everything is forgotten as time goes by. The tombstone glows under the moonlight.


tombstone n. 墓碑;墓石

例句:His tombstone, I burst into tears once again.


monastery n. 修道院;僧侣

威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语阅读之旧的墓碑大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝大家生活愉快。



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