In fact, the owner of the house hated the priest so much that the farmer's wife invited and served food to the priest secretly while her husband went out. But then, the farmer came back to his house suddenly. The surprised farmer's wife hid the priest in a box in a corner of the room, and she hid the food in the fireplace.
When the farmer came into the barn to tie his horses, he found the little Klaus in his barn. "Who is it? What are you doing here?" "Sir, I was on my way to sell this horse skin in the market, but I had to spend the night in this barn because it was dark outside." "Then, you can stay in my house." He took the little Klaus into his house.
The wife of the farmer served a cup of soup and pretended that nothing had happened. The little Klaus could not stop thinking about the delicious food that he saw before. 'I wish I could eat the delicious food.' He stepped on the bag with the horse's skin under his feet while he was thinking like this. "Peep!"
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