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最新小学英语阅读:The Woodcutter and Hermes



He brought out an old and worn-out ax this time. "Is this yours?" "Yes.  That's my ax."

Hermes like his honesty, so he gave all three axes to the woodcutter.

The woodcutter told his story to his friends. One of his friends went to the  pond and dropped his ax on purpose into the water. "Oh gosh, What am I going to  do? I lost my ax."

Then, Hermes appeared. Hermes listened to his story and jumped into the  pond.

He came out with a gold ax. "Did you lose this gold ax?" The friend of the  woodcutter was so happy when he saw the gold ax. "Yes, that's right. That gold  ax is mine."

   But Hermes already knew that he was lying. Hermes did not give him back not  only the gold ax but also his own.


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