The little Klaus took the box away and left for his town. The little Klaus said loudly on purpose, "This box is too heavy. I will throw this box into a river." "Wait! I will give you a package of gold coins, so please let me out. "The priest in the box cried out in panic.
"Well, okay. I will let you out." The little Klaus opened the cover of the box and took out the priest. The priest gave him a package filled with gold coins. When the little Klaus came back to town with packages of gold coins, the big Klaus was astonished. "How on earth did a stupid guy like you make so much money?" "I just sold my horse skin." The little Klaus said pretending that nothing had happened.
As soon as the big Klaus heard the little Klaus, he killed his four horses and removed their skin. He went to the market to sell them, but no one wanted to buy his horse skin at an expensive price. The big Klaus was very angry when he found out that he was fooled and came back to town.
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