'Where am I going?' The candle finally arrived at a poor and small hut. Three children and a mother were living in that small room with a low-ceiling. The candle stood on an iron candlestick.
"This is too much!" The candle grumbled to himself regretting for his miserable situation. 'The beeswax candle, went to the party, she must be standing on a great silver candle holder at this time.' The Candle made from animals' fat envied the beeswax candle very much.
The mother prepared dinner by boiling potatoes and peeling the apple. The three children and the mother had dinner happily. The animal fat candle shone their table brightly.
"This candle is very bright!" The boy said. "God bless this kind lady!" The mother prayed. It was a poor but peaceful and happy family. The animal fat candle felt happy as he enjoyed shining brightly for this family.
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