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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了小学生英语童话故事双语阅读,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


She had a little house of her own, a little garden too, this woman of whom I am going to tell you, but for all that she was not quite happy.

If only I had a little child of my own,she said, Then, indeed, I should be quite happy.

And an old witch heard what the woman had wished, and said, Oh, but that is easily managed. Here is a barley-corn. Plant it in a flower-pot and tend it carefully, and then you will see what will happen.

The woman was in a great hurry to go home and plant the barley-corn, but she did not forget to say ;thank you; to the old witch. She not only thanked her, she even stayed to give her six silver pennies.

And what do you think happened? Almost before the corn was planted, up shot a large and beautiful flower. It was still unopened. The petals were folded closely together, but it looked like a tulip. It really was a tulip, a red and yellow one, too.

The woman loved flowers. She stooped and kissed the beautiful bud. As her lips touched the petals, they burst open, and oh! wonder of wonders! there in the very middle of the flower, there sat a little child. Such a tiny, pretty little maiden she was.

They called her Thumbelina. That was because she was no bigger than the womans thumb.

And where do you think she slept?

When she slept little Thumbelina lay in her cradle on a tiny heap of violets, with the petal of a pale pink rose to cover her.

And where do you think she played? A table was her playground. On the table the woman placed a plate of water. Little Thumbelina called that her lake.

Round the plate were scented flowers, the blossoms laying on the edge, while the pale green stalks reached thirstily down to the water.

She peeped at her, this ugly toad.

How beautiful the little maiden is, she croaked. She will make a lovely bride for my handsome son. And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.

At the foot of the garden was a broad stream. Here, under the muddy banks lived the old toad with her son.

















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