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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了最新英语阅读美文,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

1. They carry themselves well

Charismatic people walk into a room like they own the joint. When giving a speech or presentation, they dress well, stand up straight, and make eye contact with members of the audience. They also aren’t afraid to give a humanizing smirk every once in a while, to remind everyone that they aren’t robots. Although you should never judge a book by its cover, it’s human nature to do so; charismatic people understand this, and present themselves accordingly.



2. They’re persuasive


Charismatic people are able to take complex, abstract ideas, and make them concrete and understandable. They also have the ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas in order to prove a point or get a message across. Charismatic people can also take global ideas and relate them to a local audience. By using facts and emotional appeal, the most charismatic people can convince an audience of almost anything.


3. They’re good listeners


Not only do charismatic people know how to get a point across, but they also know when to listen to other people’s concerns. Again, they exhibit polite body language, such as eye contact, when listening to others to ensure them that their voice is being heard. They also give feedback directly related to what was said, rather than blowing the other party off and going back to their own ideas. Charismatic people succeed because they create lines of communication between all involved in a specific project or undertaking.


4. They adapt easily


Charismatic people wear many different hats. They can fulfill different roles depending on what is needed at the current time. They have no problem changing their roles within a company if the need arises, as they want what’s best not only for themselves, but everyone around them as well. Charismatic people are also often prepared for contingencies, so when something goes wrong, they’re usually available immediately to right the ship. Their ability to adapt to a variety of situations makes them the “go-to” person within a department or company.


5. They’re entrepreneurial


Charismatic people have great ideas, and are confident that their ideas are actually workable. They analyze problems and brainstorm ways to fix them. And they’re not just thinkers, either. Charismatic people not only come up with ideas, but come up with ways to make these ideas actionable and realistic. Since they adapt easily, they also are able to think of all possible outcomes in a given situation and plan accordingly. By analyzing problems from an objective and actionable perspective, they ensure success for all.


6. They embrace vulnerability


Charismatic people are people, no matter how superhuman they may seem. There may have been a time when they weren’t so gung-ho about giving a presentation in front of dozens (or hundreds) of colleagues, but they didn’t let their fear stop them entirely. Charismatic people embrace their vulnerability and push their comfort zones to the absolute limit. In turn, their comfort zones expand, and they find it much easier to give a presentation the next time.


威廉希尔app 欢迎大家阅读最新英语阅读美文,祝您学习愉快。


2015经典小学英语阅读短文:The Beetle Who Went on His Travels



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