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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了精选双语阅读美文,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


1. You find meaning in everything

Someone you like twirls their hair twice, instead of three times. You walk past someone and they don’t make eye contact with you, but you walk past them again and this time they make eye contact, but for only a couple of seconds. They looked away a little too fast. What does it all mean!? When you’re an over-thinker, you tend to want to find meaning in the world around you. Sometimes, it can consume you and you over-analyze everything. It’s helpful to remind yourself that nothing has inherent meaning, other than the meaning you give it.


你喜欢旋转头发两次,而不是三次。你走过的人,他们不与你眼神接触,但你又走过一遍,这一次他们有眼神接触,但只有几秒钟。他们目光转移太快了。这一切意味着什么呢 ?如果你是一个过度思考者,你往往想找出你周围的世界的意义。有时你过度地分析一切,它可以消耗掉你的生命。这有助于提醒自己,没有任何东西有固有的意义,除了你给予它意义。

2. You think more than you do

Ever heard the term analysis paralysis? You think so much that you don’t end up doing anything. You weigh your options. You decide that the best outcome might be, but then you compare the best outcome with a new possible best outcome. The cycle continues until you end up doing nothing. Instead of thinking about every possibility, I find it helpful to actually start testing out some to see if they are actually true. While it’s important to think, it’s equally important to act.



3. You get excited when you’ve finally figured something out


Maybe you’ve been mulling something over for weeks. A complex problem that you haven’t figured out yet, but have kept at it. Or, a complex love interest that you’ve obsessed about, until they do something that proves your entire theory about them. Either way, you jump for joy exclaiming, “Eureka!” when you’ve finally figured out the answer. Then of course, you move onto your next problem and even begin to question whether or not you actually figured out the original problem.

也许你一直在考虑一些东西超过数周。你还没弄清楚的一个复杂的问题,你还在继续把它弄清楚。或者, 你着迷的一个复杂的爱情趣味问题,直到他们对整个理论做一些证明你才停止去想这个问题。无论哪种方式,你跳起来欢乐大喊道,“有了!“当你终于找到了答案。当然,你继续你的下一个问题,甚至开始怀疑你是否真的找到了原来的问题。

4. You find it difficult to let things go


Because you’ve put in a lot of effort to figure something out, you find it challenging to let go of it. You easily attach to things you find important. You don’t want to fail. When you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into something, it can be hard to let it go when it isn’t working. You may continue thinking about it even after you believe you already did let it go. The more you think about something, the more it can eat away at you.


5. You are patient


Even if it takes you longer than most, you are delighted when you come out ahead because you’ve put in the time to figure it out. You are willing to wait it out until you feel comfortable with the knowledge you’ve acquired, which allows you to be patient whilst others want quick solutions.


6. You want to get all of your ducks in a row


Be careful with this one. This can often be an excuse to not taking any action. While you find it comforting to wait until you feel ready, you may never feel ready and might only be delaying the inevitable. I know this because I used to say this. Sometimes there will never be a best time and you will never have as much time as you do now.


威廉希尔app 欢迎大家阅读精选双语阅读美文,祝您学习愉快。


小学英语阅读短文:Two Travelers and the Bea

精选小学生英语阅读短文:The Birth Of Poetry And Art


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