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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了六年级英语阅读材料之保姆,希望对大家有所帮助和练习。并祝各位同学在考试中取得好成绩!!!。

1. Papa Bear takes out a notice from the Bear Family's mailbox. It is about a meeting that night.


2. Mama Bear calls Gramps and Gran. When Mama and Papa are away, Brother and Sister Bear can stay with them.


3. But Gramps and Gran are going to the meeting, too. So Brother and Sister can't stay with them.


4. "Why can't we go with you?" asks Sister. "Yeah!" says Brother Bear. "Because," says Papa, "this meeting is for grown-ups."


5. "Well, where are we going to stay?" the cubs want to know. "You're going to stay right here," says Mama. She puts down the phone. "Alone?" asks Sister.


6. "Of course not," says Mama. "You will have a sitter." "A sitter?" says Brother."Who?" "Mrs Grizzle," says Mama. "Mrs Grizzle!" The cubs begin to worry.


7. Once, their ball went into Mrs Grizzle's flower garden. Mrs Grizzle wasn't happy about it. Another time, Brother's kite bumped Mrs Grizzle's hat. She was angry.


8. "She won't be a good sitter!" says Brother. Mrs Grizzle is on her way to the tree house. Will she be a good sitter?



put down 放下

She puts down the phone. 她放下电话。

on the way to... 在去……的路上

Mrs Grizzle is on her way to the tree house. Mrs Grizzle正在去树房的路上。


小熊兄妹曾多次冒犯 Mrs Grizzle,比如:损坏了她的花园,放风筝时碰了她的头。现在,Mrs Grizzle 要来做保姆。她会怎么对待小熊兄妹呢?让我们预测一下吧。

A. 公报私仇。She'll beat them and ask them not to tell their parents.

B. She'll say nothing to them.

C. 不计前嫌。She'll be good to them.



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