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My grandfather is fifty-five years old. He's a taxi driver. He loves his job very much. It is Sunday. Today is his birthday. My father, my mother and I are in his home. My uncle also comes here. He's a tall man. He's a worker. He comes to seee my grandfather every Sunday. My grandfather has a good friend. His name is Jim. He's from England. He's a nice cook. He comes to see him, too. My grandfather is very happy today.


( ) 1.My grandfather is years old now.

A. seventy B. eighty C .fifty-five

( ) 2.My grandfather is a

A.worker B. driver C cook

( ) 3.My also comes to see my grandfather.

A.uncle B.aunt C cousin

( ) 4.Mt uncle is very

A short B fat C tall

( ) 5.Jim is my grandfather's

A friend B son C daughter

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