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有关Richie Jen's story的英语阅读理解训练



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Richie(任贤齐) was born in Hubei Province, in central China. He was raised in Taiwan. He has a sister. Richie is 1.7 meters tall and weighs around 160 pounds.

Richie majored in Physical Education at Wenhua University in Taiwan. He started a band(乐队) at college, and he played the guitar. Richie was also a DJ during college and he performed at many social events and parties. His music idol (偶像)is Richard Marx.

Richie's hobbies include music, motorbikes and sports. Richie is a healthy, nice, sociable, kind, responsible, and very likable (可爱的)fellow. He has a good sense of humor, and is a very smart and strong-minded boy who relies on and believes in himself. He is a leader, not a follower. Richie is a well-balanced individual who has discipline, (纪律)even though he says sometimes he will do things without thinking about them. (即使他说有时不加思考便去作谋事)

Now in the Asia's music industry, Richie is finally getting the fame he deserves.(应得的)

Besides music, Richie also loves sports. Richie plays many sports. He likes volleyball, golf, basketball, tennis, archery(箭术),weightlifting, and especially motorcycle racing.Richie also starred in the remake of The Return of the Condor Hero(《神雕侠侣》) series.

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