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阅读理解强化:Noise pollution



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Noise pollution can be unpleasant or even unbearable(不可忍受的). It comes in many different forms. For Example, noise coming from a rock concert, (摇滚音乐会)or the sound of karaoke (卡拉OK)coming from your neighbours’ house can be regarded as noise pollution. No matter where the noise comes from, it makes everyone feel uncomfortable. Noise levels are measured(测量) in decibels(dB)(分贝). The quietest noise that a human ear can detect(测试) is 0dB. The loudest that our ears can bear is 120dB. In noise environments, most people are easy to get angry and cannot sleep peacefully. Students cannot put their hearts into their studies. So, noise pollution must be paid attention to so that everyone can live in a pleasant and peaceful world

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