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小学生阅读理解:Zhengzhou to be the center of hip hop dance in Chi



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(Words: about 290; Time: 3.5 minutes)

In recent years the Chinese ancient city Zhengzhou embraced hip hop as its own cultural brand, to the surprise of many people.

Hip hop dance refers to dance styles primarily danced to hip hop music, which originated from African Americans in New York streets during the 1970s. Hip hop dances are often considered street dances, because of how they were formed and are being practiced. In the past 20 years, hip hop dance has become one of the most influential and popular world-wide musical genres (流派) since rock-and-

roll. Many of the newer styles of hip hop are a common sight in today’s youth-oriented music videos on television channels such as MTV.

Hip hop dance became popular in Shanghai in the late 1990s, but its history of development in China was still brief. In Zhengzhou, a historical city located in central China, however, a great number of local citizens are fascinated by hip hop dance.

Currently people of all walks of life are attracted by hip hop’s unique cultural forms. Now hundreds of hip hop associations have been founded, and they have organized several competitions. Some won top prizes in national hip hop contests, proving them to be the best hip hop dancers in China.

Almost every school has its own hip hop society in Zhengzhou. The organizers believed hip hop dance could help students exercise their bodies and demonstrate their vigor. He said they could also learn to cooperate with others during the hip hop show.

The local Cultural Bureau announced hip hop dance should represent Zhengzhou’s cultural activities. A hip hop forum will be held here in October 2006, and dancers from across the country will be invited to exchange experiences. Zhengzhou also plans to hold a China Hip Hop Contest in 2007, in which world-famous hip hop dancers will participate.


originate v. to come from a particular place or start in a particular situation发源

brief adj. lasting only a short time 短暂的

vigor n. physical or mental energy and determination精力

True (T)or False (F):

1. Most Americans preferred hip hop dance in the 1970s.

2. Hip hop dancers can be found in every school in Zhengzhou.

3. More hip hop-related activities will be held in Zhengzhou.

4. Through hip hop dancing people can learn to cooperate with others.

(key: FFTT)

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