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六年级小学英语阅读理解材料:The Tiger is Dinner



【摘要】小学英语阅读能力的提高是小学英语学习中的重要部分,学生应该提高自己的小学英语阅读量,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学英语阅读六年级阅读理解材料:The Tiger is Dinner希望对大家有所帮助。

The Tiger’s Dinner

Tiger: Good afternoon. Mrs Goat. Let me eat you.

Goat: Don’t eat me, Mr Tiger. I’m old. That deer is younger than me.

(The goat runs away.)

Tiger: Miss Deer, Miss Deer, Let me eat you.

Deer: Oh, no. Many birds are standing over there. (The deer runs away.)

Tiger: Birds, I will eat you. You are my dinner.

Birds: (The birds fly away.) You are bad. We can fly, can you?

Tiger: No, I can’t . But where is my dinner?


1. The tiger is   .

A: full B: hungry C: scared

2.The tiger doesn’t eat the goat, because there is a    over there.

A: deer B: bird C: rabbit

3.Can the bird fly?

A: No, they can B: Yes ,they can. C: No, they can’t.

4.The tiger can’t fly. He   at last.

A: eat dinner B: eat the goat C: doesn’t have dinner



六年级小学英语阅读理解材料:A Foolish Dog

六年级小学英语阅读理解材料:An Old Woman and a Boy

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