全国幼儿英语考级Level 2重点句型



【摘要】小升初考试的压力和竞争逐年加剧,很多重点初中院校不仅看重学生在小升初考试的排名,而且对小学生英语证书也有一定的要求。威廉希尔app 为大家提供幼儿英语考级Level 2重点句型 ,希望大家有所参考!


1) Can you run fast?

2) What do you see? I see…

3) How do you go to kindergarten? I go to kindergarten by…

4) What’s the weather like in spring/summer/ autumn/ winter? It’s…

5) What do you want to do on Sunday?

6) What day is it today?

7) What is he/she doing?

8) What are you wearing?

9) What are you going to do?

10) What are these/those?

11) Who is she/he?

12) Where are you from?

13) How many members are there in your family?

14) How do you get to the park?

15) Where are you going?

16) Do you have apples?

17) What does the rabbit like to eat?

18) Please put this book on the desk.

19) Please raise your hand.

20) Please touch your eye(ear, nose).

21) Please wash your face.

22) Please turn left (turn right, turn back, turn around).

23) Would you like some apples?

希望我们提供的幼儿英语考级Level 2重点句型 能够起到实际的作用,帮助大家顺利考取小学生必备英语证书,轻松进入重点初中院校!


幼儿英语考级Level 2重点词汇复习

全国幼儿英语考级Level 1重点句型  

幼儿英语考级Level 1重点词汇复习



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