【摘要】小学英语证书在一定程度上能够体现学生的英语水平,它需要小学生具备一定的听说能力。为了帮助大家轻松应对小学英语考证,威廉希尔app 精心为大家准备了剑桥通用英语五级考试:PET词汇精练,希望大家能够有所借鉴!
1. Each college student must take part in the military at the beginning of the first term.
A. train
B. trainer
C. training
D. trainee
2. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an $100 a year!
A. spare
B. extra
C. surplus
D. more
3. Why don‘t you your spare room to other people, and earn some money?
A. hire
B. fire
C. use
D. hire out
4. Everyone had two of paper to draw on.
A. sheets
B. types
C. kinds
D. varieties
5. He passed the examinations to become a doctor.
A. required
B. requiring
C. inquiring
D. inquired
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