【摘要】小升初考试的压力和竞争逐年加剧,很多重点初中院校不仅看重学生在小升初考试的排名,而且对小学生英语证书也有一定的要求。威廉希尔app 为大家提供FCE剑桥英语证书考试,希望大家有所参考!
Key recognition messages for FCE
FCE is being used by more than 700 corporations around the world including international companies like IBM, Siemens, BP Oil, HSBC, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Coca-Cola and GlaxoSmithKline.
FCE is recognised by approximately 400 higher/further education institutions from around the world including top universities like Universidad Complutense, Madrid in Spain, University of Aberdeen in the UK and the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. Some higher/further education institutions recognise FCE for admissions purposes, while others recognise FCE as credits towards internal English courses.
FCE is linked to the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework at level B2. In the UK, FCE is currently accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority as part of the National Qualifications Framework at level 1.
In Switzerland, FCE is recognised as part of the school leaving examination in the vocational sector. FCE often counts towards the students final exam mark or sometimes is recorded as an additional achievement on the certificate.
In Italy, FCE is recognised for use as part of the National Curriculum.
In Poland, FCE is recognised for recruitment and promotion purposes in the Civil Service.
FCE is being used to assess English language ability by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
The Hungarian Ministry of Education language examination accreditation board have formally accredited FCE.
In the Czech Republic, FCE is accepted as a language qualification for middle and senior management public service employees.
Through ASEP, the Supreme Council for Personnel Selection in Greece, the Greek government recognises FCE as meeting the English language requirements of government posts, including posts held by designated personnel for the Athens 2004 Olympics.
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