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This month we focus on the FCE Use of English paper and give practical advice on how to prepare yourself for the tasks you will find in the exam.

One of the features of the Use of English paper is that it is designed to reflect actual language use in real life situations. The skills you need for this paper are the same skills that will make your English better in general. For example, paraphrasing (Part 3) is a very useful skill in writing and speaking. It helps us to avoid repetition and is helpful when we need to correct ourselves.

The Use of English paper gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and use of the English language by completing a number of tasks. The paper takes 1 hour 15 minutes. There are five parts and 65 questions.

Overview of the FCE Use of English paper

Here is a brief overview of the different tasks you will find in the paper:

Part Task type and format Task focus Number of questions
1 You are given a text with 15 gaps. For each gap, you choose the correct word from four options. An emphasis on vocabulary 15
2 You are given a text with 15 gaps. For each gap, you must supply the correct word. Grammar and vocabulary 15
3 You are given a series of sentences. You must re-phrase each sentence to include a key word that you are given. Grammar and vocabulary 10
4 You are given a text containing errors. You must identify these errors. An emphasis on grammar 15
5 You are given a text with 10 gaps. For each gap you must complete the missing word. You are given the stem of this word to help you. Vocabulary 10


In preparing for the Use of English paper, you should try to learn whole phrases, rather than just individual words. Knowing grammatical patterns and context is just as important as knowing the meaning in many of the tasks in the paper. This is equally important in real life!

All the texts in the paper have a title. You can make use of the title by thinking about what it suggests to you. In this way you can try to predict what you are going to read, which will help you to understand the text.

威廉希尔app 为大家整理的剑桥英语FCE:考试各题型及答题指导就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。







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