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英语学习我们不应该仅仅局限于会读会写,更应该会说。下面威廉希尔app 小编为大家分享小学英语口语练习资料,供大家练习!

1what did you do on your holiday?

2i went to shanghai with my sister.

1really?it sounds good.did you go to expo?


1what about the wheather?

2oh.so hot.i drank much water.

1did you have fun?

2yes.there were so many people from different countries.

1what did you buy.

2i bought at-shirt.

1what color is it?


1how much did you cost?

2 139yuan 1i want to go there,too.

2yes,you can.have agood time!


1let's get ready for class.筹办上课。

2i'm sorry i'm late./excuse me for coming late.对不起,我来晚了。

3please come earlier next time.下次请早点到。

4class begins.上课。

5who's on duty today?本日谁值日?

6is everyone here?都到齐了吗?

7who's absent today?本日谁没来?

8what day is today?本日是礼拜几?

9what's the date today?本日是几号?

10li hong,have you collected all the exercise-books?李红,功课本都收齐了吗?

11here are your exercise-books.please hand them out.这是操练本,请发下去。

12monitor,would you please fetch some chalk for me?班长,能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗?

13open your books,please.请翻开书。

14please turn to page 12.请翻开书到12页。

15please take out your notebooks/exercise books.请拿出笔记本/操练本。

16no more talking,please.存候好。


18let's have adictation.让我们来听写。

19we're going to have anew lesson today.本日我们要上新课。

20first let's have arevision.起首我们温习一下。

21who can answer this question?谁能答复这个题目?

22do you have any questions?你们有题目吗?

24let me see.让我看看/想想。

25put up your hands if you have any questions.假如有题目请举手。

26raise your hands,please.请举手。

27hands down.把手放下。

28repeat after me/follow me.跟我读。

29listen to me,please.请听我说。

30look at the blackboard/screen,please.请看黑板/荧幕。

31all eyes on me,please.请都看着我。

32can you solve this problem?能做出这道题吗?

33let's read it together.ready,go!大家齐声朗读,预备,起。

34read slowly and clearly.读慢一点,明白一点。

35who wants to try?谁想试一试?

36who wants to do it on the blackboard?谁甘愿答应到黑板上来做?

37are you through?做完了吗?

38have you finished?做完了吗?

39you did avery good job.做得不错。

40very good./good try./well done!完成得不错。


42please give him(her)a big hand.请给他/她一些掌声。

43can you follow me?能跟上吗?

44do you understand?你听懂了吗?

45don't be nervous.没干系张。

46any one can help him/her?谁来帮他/她一下?

47any volunteers?谁志愿答复?

48i beg your pardon?对不起,能再说一遍






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