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学习是一个循序渐进的过程,需要同学们不断的学习和努力。威廉希尔app 提供了小学英语口语交际练习,希望能帮助大家更好的复习所学的知识。

1. How many lessons do you have today? 今天你有几节课?

2. How much homework do you have today? 今天你有多少作业?

3. You're lucky. 你很幸运。

4. What can I do for you? 您要买什么?

5. I want to buy some flour. 我要买一些面粉。

6. Here is the money. 这是钱。

7. Go and fetch me some chalk. 替我去取一些粉笔来。

8. No, there isn't any, either. 不,也没有。

9. Clean them with some paper. 用纸擦干净。

10. We can walk there. 我们可以走过去。


Bobby: How many lessons do you have today? 今天你有几节课?

David: Five. 五节。

Bobby: How much homework do you have today? 今天你有多少作业?

David: Very little. 很少。

Bobby: You're lucky. 你很幸运。


Shop-assistant: What can I do for you? 您要买什么?

Ada: I want to buy some flour. 我要买些面粉。

Shop-assistant: How much flour? 多少面粉?

Ada: One tin. 一听。

Shop-assistant: Here it is. 给您。

Ada: Here is the money. 这是钱。

Shop-assistant: Thank you. 谢谢。


Miss Daisy: Cade, go and fetch me some chalk. 凯德,替我去取些粉笔来。

Cade: There is no chalk in your office. 你的办公室里没有粉笔。

Miss Daisy: Is there any in Mr. White's office? 瓦特先生办公室里有吗?

Cade: No, there isn't any, either. 不,也没有。

Ada: I'm on duty today. 今天我值日。

Bobby, open your hands. 鲍比,打开你的手。

Bobby: They are dirty. 它们很脏。

Ada: Go and wash them. 去把它们洗一下。

Bobby: There is no water. 没有水。

Ada: Clean them with some paper. 用纸擦干净。

Bobby: I have no paper, either. 我也没有纸。

Ada: Here is the paper. 给你纸。

Bobby: Thank you. 谢谢。


Bobby: May I speak to Cade? 我能和凯德通话吗?

Cade: This is Cade. 我就是凯德。

Bobby: There is a football match in Park school this evening. 今天晚上在帕克学校有场足球赛。

Cade: Great! Let’s go there together. 太好了!让我们一起去。

Bobby: But there is no bus in the evening. 可晚上没有公共汽车。

Cade: We can walk there. 我们可以走过去。

Bobby: O.K. Let’s walk there. 好吧,让我们走过去。



英语口语right on the beam练习精选



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