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摘要:威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了最2015年小学英语口语训练精选,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!


school:YuYingSchool Grade:Five Class:Two Teacher:LiuJing

content of courses

Topic11.My Pet Turtle

Teaching aims

Listen to say familiar three sentence patterns and their

answer form——What is your favorite …?My favorite … is…

Teaching difficult points

first-person converting and reconverting

teaching media

1. Teacher preparation teaching material matching tapes

2.Prepare relevant part of the courseware

3.Teachers learned patterns card ready

Teaching steps

1. Warming-up/Revision.

(1)Daily conversation display.

(2)play“Let us sing together” songs the recording, the teachers

and students singing and do the action

2. Presentation

(1)The tortoise knowledge introduction

T:Look and think.

(2)Teachers fast. Pictures of animals show series:

daddy turtle,mommy turtle, brother turtle, baby turtle. According

to see pictures about students cultivate animal words observation

and memory.

(3) Listen to recording ,then practice in pairs. The next lead

“What is your favorite pet?”, First , take out to the whole , then ask

several students answer shows the correct answer form.

“ My favorite pet is…”

3. Practice

(1)Let’s do a game!

I will ask two students to do it.one say “what’s your favorite pet?”,the other do a reply and express it with your body languag-e.


4.Now read the text quickly and find out other sentence pa -erns :when and where did you get it?how often do you feed it?why do you like it?Is it a turtle? And so forth.


You should know “what is hisher favorite ….?”and their answer form.Next class teacher will check it ,oh

结尾:本文就是威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了最2015年小学英语口语训练精选,希望你会喜欢!




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