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口语练习题---各种“屎”Yucky GUNK



告别了放纵与自由,新学期将我们领进英语的殿堂.一切将要展开新的一页,让我们一起来阅读口语练习题---各种“屎”Yucky GUNK吧~~

今天我们要来谈:All of the gunk that comes out of your face.

sleepies / eye gunk 眼屎

I always have sleepies in the corner of my eye when I wake up in the morning.

earwax  耳屎

I use Q-tips to get the earwax out of my ears.

Hey! Get the wax out of your ears. 听我的话!

booger 鼻屎

You have a...um.. You have a booger. Right there! OK, you got it!

You are being such a booger! (= annoying,非常口语的表达)

snot  鼻涕

I’m so sick. My rose is so runny. So much snot!

She refuses to wash the dishes. She is such a little snot!

drool / slobber  口水

This big dog slobbered all over me. His slobber is all over my hands!

Dude!! Stop drooling over her. You are never gunna get a date with Britney Spears.

zit / pimple / blemish  青春痘

Girl! That zit you have on your chin. That thing is huge! You gotta pop that thing!

威廉希尔app 为您提供的口语练习题---各种“屎”Yucky GUNK,希望给您带来帮助!




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