



What are they doing 他们在干什么


--What are the pets doing in the house? 宠物们在房子里做什么?

--I don't know. Let's ask our friends. 我不知道。让我们来问问我们的朋友。

--That's a good idea. 好想法。

--Yes. 嗯。

--What are the cows doing? 奶牛在做什么?

--Who can tell us, "What are the cows doing?" 谁能告诉我们“奶牛在做什么?”

--They are eating grass. 他们在吃草。


They are doing…

e.g. They are brushing their teeth. 他们在刷牙。

1) brush teeth 刷牙 2) read books 看书 3) take a bath 洗澡

4) play a game 玩游戏 5) have breakfast 吃早饭 6) watch TV 看电视

7) tell a story 讲故事 8) play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏 9) climb the tree 爬树

10) play football 踢足球


a rabbit 兔子 an elephant 大象 a duck 鸭子

a hen 公鸡 a bee 蜜蜂 a horse 马

a sheep 羊 a snake 蛇 a panda 熊猫

a spider 蜘蛛 a turtle 海龟 a cat 猫


This is the duck I keep in the house. 这是我养在家里的小鸭子。

Keep in the house,keep in the house. 养在家里。

This is the duck I keep in the house. 这是我养在家里的小鸭子。

And wash its face in the morning. 每天早上我都帮它洗脸。


What are they doing after school?

a. They are brushing teeth.

b. They are having breakfast.

c. They are playing games.

威廉希尔app 为大家整理的剑桥少儿英语预备级:他们在干什么就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。






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