


Unit 9

Have you got a toy train? Yes,I have ./ No ,I haven’t.

We are at school. We are in the zoo.

Which needs wings? Where is my toy bike?

How much ice cream do you want? Lots , please.

Unit 10

We are busy. One plus two is three.

Nine minus two is seven.

I’ve got three.

Unit 11

How do you do ! He’s reading a newspaper.

This is my grandpa.

Who’s Nick’s dad? Bob Green.

She is watering the flowers now.

Make yourself at home .

Unit 12

What’s your hobby? I like swimming.

We often watch TV and do homework.

We often listen to music together .I like go shopping.

What does Sam like doing? He likes flying a kite.

Swimming is good. I like climbing trees.

I like talking with friends.She likes reading very much.

Unit 13

This is mine. Is that yours? Yes, it’s mine.

Who is he ? You use these to see.

Which one is different ? Do you like my dress?

Yes , I do. No, I don’t.

Unit 14

What is he doing ? He is mopping the floor .

Would you like a cup of tea ? Yes , please .

My grandpa take me to the shop.I often do homework.

How can we make grandpa and grandma happy ?

I think we can sweep the floor.

Unit 15

Who is he ? You use these to see.

It’s ours . Where is he going on New Year’s day?

How will she go there ? By plane.

Unit 16

How do you go to school every day ? By bike.

They want to catch a mouse .

Who is your best friend ? Tony.

What’s your favourite fruit?

I ’m coming. No problem.

Let’s have a race .Welcome to our English Evening.





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