


摘要:以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的关于2015年剑桥少儿英语一级入学模拟测试题,供大家学习参考!


一.填充单词。(用你学过的字母把这些单词填充完整,成为我们学过的单词) 20

⑴f__ce  ⑵ k__ngar__ __   ⑶ j__cket   ⑷ j__ngle   ⑸bell

⑹__ce   ⑺ ic_on        ⑻ h_at     ⑼h_ll   (10)erm_n

二. 把下列单词与图片连起线来。20

mouth   eye   gem   hat   ice cream   jeep   kettle   key    baby    chair


1. How many pears do you have ?                 我喜欢玩具汽车

2. I like toy cars .                         我有许多齿。

3. I have many teeth 。                      我喜欢布娃娃。

4. I like dolls .                          把尺子放在你手里。

5. Put the ruler in your hand.                    那些是什么?

6. What are those ?                        那个大大的人正在指挥乐队。

7. This is a window.                       你的包里有什么?

8. The big man is conducting the band.               这是一扇窗。

9. What ‘s in your bag ?                      小鸟在哪里?

10. Where’s the bird ?                       你有多少梨?


1. a yellow bag    2. a black and blue ruler    3. a red apple    4. a green cattle    5. a purple TV


1,Diving-platform , diving –platform , Ff is the_________.Boys are diving , girls are diving , Ff is the diving –platform.

2. Mum is the big G.A baby is on a small g .Mum and the baby , they are very ,very ______.

3. Big H are ________.They’re near a house . Small h is the house .The baby is in the house .

4. Big I is a man .,Small I is a _______. The man and the dolphin are playing with a ball .

5.The big K is a big man.The small k is a ____man . The big man is conducting the band .The short man is beating the drum.

结尾:以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的关于2015年剑桥少儿英语一级入学模拟测试题,希望可以帮助到您!




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