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五. 选择合适的答案填空(20)

1).Yesterday I _______ to a small village by car.(go/went)

2).Last Sunday I _______ a lot of things at the market.(buy/bought)

3).I ______ very late this morning.(getup/got up)

4).Yesterday afternoon I ______ a letter to my friend.(write/wrote)

5).I ______ in Grade 2 last year.Now I ______ in Grade 3.(am/was)

6).Yesterday ______ my birthday.Today _______ Sam’s birthday.(is/was)

7).Yesterday evening I _____ homework. Now I am ______ homework again.(do/doing)

六. 仿照例子改写句子(10)

Eg: There is some bread on the table.

There isn’t any bread on the table.

1). There is some cheese in the burger.


2). There is some pasta in the bowl.


3). There are some boys in the classroom.


4). There is an apple on the desk.


5). There are many dogs in the zoo.


七. 连词成句(10)

1). isn’t an there on orange the desk


2). is some milk in cup the there


3). are students there some the playground in


4). an book English there on is the table


5). many there children are classroom the in







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